Get To Know Rae and Taylor From Shapehouse

Get To Know Rae and Taylor From Shapehouse

If all things wellness is your jam, then let us gladly introduce you to Shapehouse—the sweat lodge that seems to be taking over both L.A and New York. We chatted with Rae and Taylor, two powerhouses that help run the show behind the scenes, all about what exactly Shapehouse is and why you should give it a go. Keep reading to learn more!

What is Shapehouse?

Taylor: “All appointments are 55 minutes long and you’re greeted and checked in. The session itself is in a weighted sleeping bag and you’re in a wrap on top of a massage table, and it's going to feel a little heavy because all of our wraps are weighted and then you basically just lay there for 55 minutes. So in terms of what you’re actively doing isn’t a lot but your body is going to be working really hard. So to make your life a little easier, we give you clothes to wear because we know you don’t want to be walking around with your sweaty clothes all day. We also give everyone a headset and their own TV so they can watch whatever they want so that can be a little distracted. After your treatment, you will then go into a relax room where you get to cool down and have some oranges and tea before you change and head out for the day. So depending on how long you want to sit it can take around an hour and five minutes or an hour and twenty minutes.”

Benefits Of A Sweat Session

Rae: “There isn’t anything that’s just a fix all, but when going to Shapehouse I like to ask people more about what they’re looking it to be good for. For starters, it’s good for your skin and brings blood to the surface which gives you this “Shapehouse glow” which I think is the first thing you notice. It’s also good for burning calories and for weight loss because when you sweat, you’re getting rid of those things that are getting in the way of your weight loss and it’s releasing all of those toxins. It’s also good for recovery and stress just kind of helps to flush everything out at once. It’s definitely challenging on your body, but we try and make the experience as enjoyable as possible. We’re not trying to replace your workout or your routine just kind of compliment it.”

How Often To Go?

Rae: “You should be going as much as you need. We have people that go every day, but those are people that have either been with us for a long time or are very dedicated to their weight loss. So it really just depends—like if you’re super active and just want a bit of a reset, then maybe go once a week. Or some people will come once a month if they just want a bit of a reboot. We’ve also had people come in who are may be suffering from breakouts and they’ll come in about 2-3 times a week and see a big improvement really quickly.”

How To Fit A Healthy Lifestyle Into A Busy Schedule

Rae: “I think it’s important to really schedule your downtime, it sounds counterintuitive but I think when you want to incorporate it into your life you just have to schedule it in. Like if it’s on the books, it’s on the books. I also think it’s important to make time to not only eat healthy and workout but also schedule in some time to just do nothing and have some mindless-whatever time for yourself.”

Taylor: “We try to encourage to make it a lifestyle habit and bring their friends along too. So that’s why our memberships are really good deals and you can actually share a membership. So if you want to split a membership with someone, we love that and we think it’s a great way to share the experience.”

Want to know more about Shapehouse? Visit their site or stop by for a sweat!

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